THAT MORNING'S BEAUTY Tamely and softly walks the morning Over the blades of endlessly green grass. It left the night and me scorning the sorrow which will never pass. It was the dweller beyond the colour, for years and centuries forgotten, frozen in the lakes, dark and polar, but suddenly in your eyes begotten. I saw it! or I suppose I have might, because departure changed it to a spark. It flashed and died in its trembling flight. There came the night, deep and dark, again the blackness of your sight, amid the ashes remained a burnt mark.
ENCOUNTER The sharp blades of grass were cutting drops of dew, thousands of mirrors of the fair queen of night, as I turned off my road and first saw you – and shuddered – because of dew or the lark's sudden flight. I stopped and left my glance to meet the forest, to caress the trembling trees, to touch the eastern shift, avoiding the path I should have avoided at least: and then my glance came back with your glance as a gift. Have I ever passed you by? Have you waited ever since? Time demanded: Faster, faster! Never stop and never rest! Dew must vanish, the sun must rise, close your eyes and go from hence! You were silent like a shadow; I obeyed the cruel request. Daybreak broke the backbone of the night; the light was too intense. Today is day. There's no morning anymore; it is silence I suggest.
Zovem se Nevenka Balanesković, rođena sam 31. 10. 1954. Diplomirala sam 1977. godine na Filološkom fakultetu u Beogradu, Odsek za germanistiku, a 1988. diplomirala sam na Filozofskom fakultetu u Nišu, Odsek za anglistiku. Posle 35 godina radnog staža (stručni prevodilac i profesor) otišla sam pre 5 godina u penziju, a sada sam redovni student na Filozofskom fakultetu u Nišu, Departman za francuski jezik i književnost. Napisala sam jednu knjigu (oblast apologetike), a prevela preko 10 knjiga, jednu sa nemačkog, a ostale sa engleskog. Jedan esej (o Jungu i Jovu) objavljen je u književnom časopisu Gradina.